Baked egg muffins

In our oven, they take a little (5-10 minutes) longer than the recipe says... you'll be able to tell they're done when they are springy to the touch and no liquid is visible.
Depending on the size of your eggs and what else you put in the cups, I like to have some egg whites (0SP) handy in case I want to bring the level of each cup closer to the top of your muffin pan.
Our favorite 0-SP add-ins: thin-sliced tomatoes, fresh basil, and a 1/2 tsp. of grated Parmesan or romano cheese (we top these with a 0SP-tomato-based sauce after they are done).
Diced red/orange/yellow peppers, jalapeƱo, and green onion (after baking we top these with a green or red hot sauce)
Broccoli, shallots, and fresh-cracked black pepper.
The ones in this photo contain pico de gallo, orange peppers, and extra cilantro on top... and we top them with more pico after, because #allthepicoallthetime
My prep includes gathering and chopping all ingredients. I use a little non-stick spray in the muffin pan. I put all my add-ins in each cup, then I crack each egg into a bowl one at a time, scramble with a fork, THEN pour it into the muffin pan... this keeps me from getting any eggshell in the final product, or trying to fish a bit of shell out from amongst onions and peppers. Here is the point where you can top off with some egg white if needed, and stir with a fork.
March 24th, 2017