Jayne's Fresh List -- 4/19/2017

You know I'm a list maker. Here's my latest one --

Ways to keep ww fresh:

1) Add MORE WATER to your day. Try infusing it with fruit, herbs or cucumber.

2) Switch up your FITNESS routine. Muscle confusion is good. Try something new! Be adventurous!

3). Start MEAL PLANNING. Meal prep in advance and you won't be tempted as much later to go off course.

4). Try NEW RECIPES. Explore Connect, Pinterest, Yummly, the Internet, or check out a new recipe book from the library or splurge on one at Half Price Books.

5). Don't miss a MEETING! In fact, maybe you want to check out a different one for a new perspective or add a second meeting during the week.

6). Keep up your MOTIVATION by exploring Connect or posting reminders around the house.

7). Listen to @fatdag's PODCASTS or other motivational weight loss podcasts.

8). Revisit your WHYs! I keep a running list on the Notepad App of my phone where I have it handy to reread and help keep me focused.

9). Read a self-help BOOK or fitness MAGAZINE! You may find a little nugget to keep you going that you hadn't considered before, or discover a new exercise you want to try.

10). Keep a list of MUST-BUYS at the various stores you visit. I keep one on my notepad app for Costco, Sam's and Trader Joe's.

11). TREAT YOURSELF to a new workout outfit or something stylish in your new smaller size.

12). Try a NEW VEGETABLE OR FRUIT. I never knew that I liked butternut squash or papaya or spinach until WW. Time to try bokchoy or celery root for instance.

13). Focus on changing your MINDSET. Intentionally stop yourself when your mind starts going negative and turn your thinking around.

14). Develop a list of MANTRAS that you can turn to automatically whenever you face a challenge in the gym or in the kitchen.

15). REACH OUT for help. Others are ready willing and want to help you succeed on Connect or at your meeting. Develop your support system and use them!

16). Give yourself CREDIT for how far you've come. If you haven't quit you are still winning!

17). Start a new HOBBY or PASSTIME that keeps you active or feeds your spirit. Maybe it's a Bible study or walking in nature or gardening. Find your thing!

18). BELIEVE in yourself. Think of all the things you've succeeded at in life. What makes you think that you can't succeed at weight loss too? You CAN!

19). AFFIRM yourself. Keep a running list of affirmations to read to yourself on those inevitable down days.

20). Join a CHALLENGE! Do a walkathon for a charitable cause that you believe in or start one. Or join one of the many challenges on Connect

21). COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS! How blessed are we to live in a nation where we can worry about changing our weight or getting healthy instead of our safety!?! We have fresh clean water readily available and a multitude of options where we can buy fresh healthy foods. Hallelujah!

22). Download a few new songs or make a whole new PLAYLIST to keep you pumped up, fired up, and ready to kill your workout!

23). Treat every meal like it's a SPECIAL OCCASION. Slow down and savor each and every bite.

24). FIGHT FOR IT!! If this is something you truly want, stay focused, determined, inspired! Want it! Dig deep and if you truly want it then go get it!